# Build the documentation

The documentation of ipychart is made using Vuepress (opens new window). You can find the files used to build it in the docs folder of the project on GitHub (opens new window).

# Install & start locally

From the ipychart/docs folder, run:

$ yarn add -D vuepress # OR npm install -D vuepress

Then, you can launch the documentation website on localhost using:

$ yarn docs:dev # OR npm run docs:dev

# Deployment

You can export the doc as a static website:

$ yarn docs:build

All the files will be exported in the public folder.

You can also automate the deployment by pushing the doc on a GitHub repo with a yaml file (opens new window) located in the .github folder at the root of the project. Deployment will then be automated by GitHub Actions (opens new window).

Vuepress also offers other deployment methods (opens new window).